Visit 1 Visit 2a Visit 2b Visit 3a Visit 3b Binocular vision Communication and history & symptoms Dispensing Low Vision: Management of patients with visual impairment – NEW Pathology 1 Pathology 2 RGP contact lenses Sight test (including practical demonstrations) Slit lamp techniques and contact lens complications Soft contact lenses[...]
Our courses are designed to help you throughout your pre-reg year. We have created our own lectures to help you achieve the competencies required to get you through each stage of your pre-reg
Click here to view our upcoming mock OSCE courses and other events

Feb/March mock OSCE courses
Our face to face Mock OSCE course has been ranked as one of the best courses by students, purely one to one with bespoke feedback as well as tips/advice, mark sheets, an OSCE information booklet and an experience as close to the real thing with actors/ examiners and Volk mannequin! We started[...]
Read MoreOSCE practical workshop
OSCE practical workshop Main workshop (10 stations): Sunday 23rd March at 1.30pm This workshop covers the below topics: Amsler grid testing Colour vision assessments Stereopsis Slit lamp skills Binocular vision tests Confrontation visual fields High prescription dispensing RGP contact lenses Focimetry Amplitude of accommmodation and NPC It will be divided into[...]
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